Talking Circles
Talking Circles are a peer gathering of those who want to connect with others and share their authentic truth. Space will be held for all who choose to share or listen. Each person can choose to have feedback or guidance from the group after their share. The Circle harnesses the power of the many for support, healing, connection, friendship and celebration. The Circle is a spiritual center and a community. Any themes for discussion will be announced in advance.
Upcoming Circles
01/17/2024 7:00 pm Talking Circle at The Holistic Dragon, 51 Depot Square, Watertown, CT
02/08/2024 7:00 pm Talking Circle at The Holistic Dragon, 51 Depot Square, Watertown, CT
03/2024 TBD Sharing and Support Circle at Crystal Teal & Co- 76 Water Street, Torrington, CT
Circles will start up back in the Fall of 2024 monthly
Circle Support
Talking Circles and Sharing and Support Circles
Peer Circles are a way to connect with others in a safe, non-judgmental environment. Gathering in an intentional way can provide support, healing and friendship. All Circle discussions stay within the Circle. Sound healing through crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls and other healing instruments may be used. Any disrespectful, aggressive or argumentative behaviors will not be tolerated and that person will be asked to leave. The Circle remaining a safe and welcoming space is the utmost priority.
* all Circle events are donation based pricing for services

Sharing and Support Circles
Sharing and Support Circles are peer gatherings for families and loved ones of those with mental health and substance use disorders. Harness the individual and collective power of peer support to help support you in your relationships with others and yourself. Allow the Circle to offer hope and guidance as shared experiences are exchanged in an accepting and safe space.